Consummate dilettantism!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

The Improving State of Our Nation

Read this powerful article in Commentary. It examines the predictions made regarding the state of cultural decline in the 1990s, and then analyzes why they went wrong. One particularly important paragraph is as follows:

Culture itself, finally, exhibits an ebb and flow as surely as economies pass through cycles of ups and downs. In The Great Disruption (1999), Francis Fukuyama cited historical examples of societies undergoing periods of moral decline followed by periods of moral recovery. In our case, too, he argued, the aftermath of the cultural breakdown of the 1960’s had already triggered and was now giving way to a reassessment and recovery of social and moral norms. Such “re-norming” will not occur in every social class all at once; in some instances it may take hold in one stratum but not in another. That is partial progress, but progress nevertheless.

Exhibiting unrestrained pessimism at the state of the union is, as the authors point out, probably unwise.

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